Microneedling With Deep Cleansing - MICRONEEDLING Winter Park FL
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Microneedling With Deep Cleansing

What is Deep Cleansing?


Deep cleansings are perfect for clients with acne and oil prone skin. Deep cleansing is customized for each client based on their skin type and needs. The deep cleansing is done using a combination of steam to open up the pores and loosen the bacteria. Exfoliating to rid the skin of dead cells and excess dirt and oils.As well as,  extractions to clear clogged pores. Deep cleansing leaves the skin feeling clean, and refreshed.


Why add on Deep Cleansing to your Microneedling?


Adding on deep cleansing is very beneficial and in some cases necessary to your microneedling sessions. If you have acne prone skin and are experiencing an active breakout, deep cleansing is necessary to remove the bacteria prior to starting your microneedling. Microneedling causes micro wounds to the skin; deep cleansing is very important if you have active breakouts that way the bacteria does not spread into those wounds. Deep cleansing can also be very beneficial as you are maximizing your results.


What are the Benefits?

  • Deep cleansing reaches deeper in the pores reaching what a normal cleansing would not.
  • Keeps your skin moisturized while getting rid of the excess oils.
  • Improves blood flow
  • Youthful skin
  • Restores the appearance and texture of the skin